Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions
Lovfit Sports Clubs GmbH
Managing Director [Managing Director]: Niclas Bönström
Uhlandstr. 28
10719 Berlin

1 Subject matter of the contract
1.1 The member receives the right to use the sports facilities available in the club during the posted opening hours (see Clause 8) and in accordance with the house rules (see Clause 11). LOVFIT reserves the right to keep the club closed on public holidays.
1.2 The use of the club's facilities is only possible upon presentation of a valid membership card. It is strictly forbidden to bring other persons into the club outside of supervision hours.
1.3 It is at the discretion of LOVFIT to grant the membership application. Confirmation of the membership application is made by digital signature on the membership form.

2 Validity of these terms and conditions
2.1 All offers and services to members are provided exclusively on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions (GTC). The GTC are an integral part of all membership contracts and all ancillary services, including future new and possibly amended service offers.
2.2 Amendments to the GTC shall become part of the contract if LOVFIT sends them to the member, emphasising the amendment, and the member does not object in writing within one month of receipt.

3 Membership
3.1 Membership, including membership fees and / or other ongoing fees, is generally concluded for an indefinite period and begins on the 1st of the month following the conclusion of the contract, unless otherwise agreed in writing. 3.2 Membership is not transferable.

4 Membership fee/method of payment
4.1 LOVFIT offers participation in the SEPA Core Direct Debit Scheme as a payment option: Here, your account will be debited with payments on the first banking day of each month. For other payment methods, please enquire about and observe our respective terms and conditions.
4.2 For memberships with an agreed minimum term, payment is due in advance at the latest at the start of the contract.
4.3 In the event of default, any reminder costs incurred will be charged.
4.4 In the event of any direct debit not honoured or returned due to insufficient funds or unjustified revocation, LOVFIT shall be entitled to charge the costs incurred for the bank chargeback and processing and to collect these automatically with the next direct debit. If the member is in arrears with payments that are at least equal to the amount of one month's membership fee, the outstanding amount for the entire remaining term shall become due immediately and the member's access card shall be blocked. The right to assert further claims for damages remains reserved. The entire outstanding debt is only due if the membership fee has been reminded unsuccessfully under threat of cancellation and with a grace period of at least two weeks.
4.5 The agreed advance usage fee and the startup fee are due upon conclusion of the contract. Non-payment of these fees shall not release the member from the contract.
4.6 LOVFIT offers various discounts. Only one discount is possible per membership. The conditions for the discount granted must be proven by means of suitable documentation. The member must inform LOVFIT immediately if the conditions for the discount granted are no longer met. Furthermore, the member must provide evidence of the conditions again at least every 6 months. If this is not done, the agreed discount will be cancelled and the monthly fee will be increased by the discount amount shown. There will be no retroactive reduction if the proof is submitted late.
4.7 As agreed overleaf, the monthly amount is deemed to be fixed for minimum term contracts. After expiry of the minimum term or in the case of contracts for an indefinite period, the fee may be changed by LOVFIT with a notice period of one month. The member shall be entitled to object to a fee increase in writing or by e-mail within 14 days of receipt of the announcement. If no objection is received within this period, the change to the membership fee shall be deemed to have been agreed. In the event of an objection, LOVFIT shall be entitled to extraordinary cancellation of the membership.

5 Access app

5.1 Upon conclusion of the membership contract, LOVFIT shall provide a training and access app (Virtuagym). The access app is required to access the turnstile and use the 24/7 access. Access via the access app is non-transferable. In the event of misuse of access, LOVFIT reserves the right to extraordinary cancellation and the assertion of claims for damages is not excluded.

6 Cancellation
6.1 Memberships without a fixed term can be cancelled with a notice period of one month to the end of the month. Memberships / contracts with an initially agreed minimum term shall be converted into a membership that is renewed on a monthly basis after expiry of the agreed minimum term and must be cancelled at the earliest with a notice period of one month to the end of the month after expiry of the agreed minimum term.
6.2 Cancellation must be in writing. The cancellation can be handed in personally at the Club or sent by fax, e-mail or post. The deadline shall be deemed to have been met if the cancellation is submitted or sent by the deadline.
6.3 Trial period. Membership can be cancelled in writing within the first 14 days of signing the contract with effect from the end of the first month of the contract. The member will not incur any further costs beyond the fees for start-up, administration, advance utilisation and the first monthly fee.

7 Illness/incapacity for sport/rest periods
7.1 Rest periods of up to a maximum of 2 months can be granted on a monthly basis following a written application in the event of proven illness, pregnancy or work-related absence. If a rest period is agreed, this is only granted on a monthly basis. The period of rest follows the term of the contract. No further rest period can be granted within this period if 2 months have already been granted. Instead of a cancellation period of 2 months to the end of the contract term, the cancellation period of 2 months to the end of the rest period attached to the contract shall apply in the case of a granted rest period.
7.2 The application must be submitted to LOVFIT no later than 14 days before the planned start of the rest period. An original medical certificate must be submitted to LOVFIT no later than 3 weeks after the start of the illness/incapacity for sport. Retroactive recognition will not be granted if the certificate is submitted late.

8. changes to the childcare times
LOVFIT reserves the right to change the club's opening hours and/or supervision times. This applies in particular to short-term closures for repair and maintenance work. In this respect, the member is not entitled to a reduction in fees, as this is already taken into account in the price calculation in favour of the member.

9. data of the member
Changes to memberships, e.g. change of residence or bank details, must be notified to LOVFIT in writing without delay. The member shall bear the costs for necessary fees for address investigations or return debit notes if he/she has not fulfilled his/her duty of notification.

10 Liability
10.1 LOVFIT's liability, including for consequential damages, shall be limited to the statutory minimum. To the extent permitted by law, no liability shall be assumed for clothing and other items brought along, in particular valuables and money.
10.2 If one of the emergency exit doors is presumed to have been opened, the perpetrator shall bear the consequential costs.

11. house rules and rules of use
The house and usage rules displayed in the individual clubs apply. By signing the contract, the member declares that he/she has taken note of the house and usage regulations and, in the event of a deviating co-user, that he/she will inform the co-user of the house and usage regulations. In particular, LOVFIT points out that training is not permitted in street clothes/street shoes and only when using a towel. In the event of gross violations of the house rules by the member or the co-user, LOVFIT shall be entitled to terminate the membership without notice.

12 Data protection and confidentiality
LOVFIT assures its members that all personal data (including health and fitness data) will be treated in strict confidence and used exclusively for the administration and processing of membership contracts and for the transmission of new offers and news on training and nutritional options. This data will not be passed on to third parties either for a fee or free of charge. Upon request, the member may obtain information about the data stored by LOVFIT and request the correction or deletion of the data free of charge.

13. children and adolescents
13.1 Membership of LOVFIT Sports Clubs is possible for children and adolescents with the consent of a parent or guardian.
13.2 Unless otherwise agreed, children and young people under the age of 18 are only permitted to enter the club outside of supervision hours if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also a member.

14 Final provisions
14.1 There are no verbal agreements. Amendments or additions to this contract must be made in writing to be valid. This also applies to any waiver of this written form requirement.
14.2 Should a provision of this contract or a provision included in the future be or become invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The statutory provisions shall then apply.

Service fee for each membership

For each completed membership, as included in the offer, the following costs apply:

From the 4th month of your membership, half-yearly 19 € service fee.

Additional services such as personal training that are not part of your membership can be booked for a fee at any time.

Application for 24/7 access

1. eligibility for use
1.1 Only adults who have reached the age of 18 are eligible to apply.
1.2 The member receives a LOVFIT app with an access QR code from LOVFIT Sports Clubs GmbH for the duration of the membership. This QR code in the LOVFIT app enables the member of LOVFIT Sports Clubs GmbH to access the LOVFIT Sports Club. In the event of prior rejection of an application or a reservation on the part of LOVFIT Sports Clubs GmbH, the handing out of the LOVFIT App does not constitute a claim to the conclusion of a membership or use of the Club beyond the general opening hours.

2 Use of the Club
2.1 Through the LOVFIT App, the member gains access to the LOVFIT Sports Club outside the general opening hours and is entitled to use it during these hours. Access without the LOVFIT app is not permitted.
2.2 LOVFIT Sports Clubs GmbH is entitled to establish house rules for the LOVFIT Sports Club which are binding for the members within the scope of the LOVFIT 24/7 option. The house rules contain, in particular, regulations on the permissible use of the equipment and the Club at the same time as safeguarding the rights of other members. LOVFIT Sports Clubs GmbH is entitled to issue or post instructions on the use of the equipment and the LOVFIT Sports Club, which are binding for all members of LOVFIT Sports Clubs GmbH.
2.3 It is prohibited to smoke in the club rooms and to consume alcoholic beverages, intoxicating substances and/or performance-enhancing substances (e.g. anabolic steroids) and/or to offer, distribute and/or make such substances accessible to third parties in the club rooms of LOVFIT Sports Clubs GmbH against payment or free of charge.
2.4 The bringing of accompanying persons is prohibited at ALL TIMES, as is the bringing of animals.

3. withdrawal of the 24/7 permit
3.1 In case of any violation of the house rules or the 24/7 agreement, LOVFIT Sports Clubs GmbH reserves the right to withdraw the 24/7 permit after examination.
3.2 This does not have to include the termination of the current membership and does not grant the right to extraordinary termination.

current compaign (from 05.02.25)

Valentine's Day - Special 2025
Exclusive offer for the first 50 new members when transferring to a membership: 1-month trial membership for just €20. After that, the membership will automatically continue as a 12-month Premium Membership if it is not canceled at least 14 days before the end of the trial period. From the second month, the normal monthly fee of €39.99 applies. The one-off activation fee of €39 is waived. The service fee is €19 every six months from the 4th month. All prices include the currently valid VAT

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